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Repairing Automotive Paint Damage Caused by Bird Poop in 5 Minutes

Posted by Bapak on Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Every time you take your car from the garage is exposed to potential dangers of paint damage. Some of the most common issues of acid rain, insects, battery acid and road stones. There is another danger that is particularly harmful and messy, and it was bird poop.


bird poop is essentially acid. It may have pH values ​​between 3.5 and 4.5. This means you will burn sensitive areas, unless it is removed relatively quickly. For auto paint, especially clear coat finishes, bird droppings burn the surface, causing a permanently etched mark.


bird poop is essentially acid. It may have pH values ​​between 3.5 and 4.5. This means you will burn sensitive areas, unless it is removed relatively quickly. For auto paint, especially clear coat finishes, bird droppings burn the surface, causing a permanently etched mark.


This is not at all uncommon for a big fall that causes damage to the paint that is 2 mils deep, or more. To understand what this means for your car's clear coat, a good laser printer paper is about 2 mils thick. More importantly, the quality clear coat finish is typically 4-6 m. This means that the heavy-duty bird bomb would not leave a lot of clear coat on the area to be popraviti.Dobra news is that the color etching from hard water spots and bird droppings can be a simple repair make at home. Most repairs such as this take less than 5 minutes.


Fixing bird poop color defects


The only way to repair the damage caused by bird color is polish the affected area with a fine cut rubbing spoj.Osnovni procedure is to use a combination of cut away the damage and re-polish the surface so it looks new again. This is exactly the step taken by professionals and factories when they remove the disadvantages of painting. Your only concern is over-polishing. Be careful not to over do it and polish it all the way through the surface layer.


best car polish to use is one that is formulated to remove paint scratches or restore oxidized boja.Proizvod which I highly recommend Meguiar's the ultimate combination. It is available in most auto parts stores, and it works great by hand or electric car polish.


If the damage covers an area larger than about 1 square inch, polishing compound alone could not do the trick. For larger areas of damage that can make repairs faster and easier to first remove the damaged paint with 2000 or 3000 grit wet sandpaper, and then re-polish the area with the compound. This May sound hard, but it is not. This is certainly the procedure used for paint and body shop professionals.


Preventing bird damage

More aboutRepairing Automotive Paint Damage Caused by Bird Poop in 5 Minutes

Changes in the Automotive Industry

Posted by Bapak

Dok je automobil tvrtke iz drugih dijelova svijeta je fokusiranje na stvaranje automobila usmjerene na učinkovitost goriva za mnogo godina, većina američkih proizvođača automobila bili su daleko iza pa pretrpjela najveći gubitak u prodaji tijekom globalne financijske krize. Nadam se puno pogrešaka koje te tvrtke poslužio kao pouka u gospodarskom u tim tvrtkama. Nažalost, od izgleda automobila koji su još uvijek proizvode oni nisu.


This may be old news for some of you, but in the automotive industry is not what it used to bila.Dana from car manufacturers to create new car, slapping expensive price tag on them, and then look happy go lucky customers drive much in large numbers has passed long ago. With the economy being in the worst shape that it's name in a very long time, people simply do not have money to waist on vehicles the way they did once upon a time.

More aboutChanges in the Automotive Industry

History of Automotive Headlamps From the Beginning to LEDs

Posted by Bapak

Vrijeme će pokazati, ali za sada Xenon smatra odličan, iako je skupo, svjetala dizajn i LED 3157 i njezinih derivata je vodeći na putu za sve ostale male signal i znak tip rasvjete u automobilskoj sceni.


I'm looking at the web to bring you this article on the development of automobile lights from the beginning to the latest LED developments.


How can I determine the beginning of the electric car lights the path began in about 1898 by a company called Electric Vehicle Company in Connecticut, with headquarters in Hartford. Although we read about the relationship between the gas lamps (acetylene), which is used on the first vehicle in the 1880's.


Thus, some time back and also we are more interested in the development of electric lamps for cars.


Thus, some time back and also we are more interested in the development of electric lamps for cars.


It's actually pretty funny when you read, especially the development of what is considered prihvatljivim.Niti (as incandescent bulbs) would regularly burn, usually caused by a rough road conditions and power supply of the car is pretty anemic and struggling to provide necessary electricity, especially when we read that about one percent efficient.


In today's society, faces the same challenges I am confident that we will just give up.


All of the above did not deter our friends in the Cadillac, and apparently produced the first modern headlight system. This is a brand new arrangement in relation to the previous effort, and can even be used in rain and snow, without the risk of getting burned. O was considered a revolution in its day.


Then we move on to a company called Guide Lamp Company, which rolled out the next technological breakthrough in ca. 1915 This is a brief introduction of the headlights. In reality it was not until about 1924 before we see real high / low beam headlamp with internal switch.


The next major development is the halogen bulbs popped in the automotive arena front in Europe around the 1962nd These will become mandatory in several countries due to their excellent air sposobnosti.Zatvoreni incandescent front persisted as standard equipment until about 1978.Halogenih headlights still used today by many vehicle manufacturers.


The next major development is the halogen bulbs popped in the automotive arena front in Europe around the 1962nd These will become mandatory in several countries due to their excellent air sposobnosti.Zatvoreni incandescent front persisted as standard equipment until about 1978.Halogenih headlights still used today by many vehicle manufacturers.

More aboutHistory of Automotive Headlamps From the Beginning to LEDs

Identifying the Use of Composite Materials in Automotive Market

Posted by Bapak

kompozitnih materijala su razvijeni iz kombinacije dvaju ili više materijala koji imaju različita svojstva i kombinirati zajedno kako bi stvorili jedan, učinkovitije materijala.Korištenje ovih materijala u automobilskoj inženjering olakšava značajke kao što su trajnost, svjetlo tjelesne težine i povećana toplinske i zvučne izolacije svojstva. Oni također imaju veći kemijski i toplinski utjecaj otpora, snage i težine omjeri su puno jači i break otporan, može stajati otežanim uvjetima i dalje obavljati teške dužnosti, a nude veću fleksibilnost dizajna u vozilu su se koristiti u. Zbog iz tih razloga, jer je njihova pojava, ti materijali se polako promijenile lice automobilsko tržište u posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća. Od bicikle na automobilima za pokretanje vozila i spacecrafts, kompozitnih materijala koriste se posvuda i danas.


To se uglavnom koriste za izradu šasije, dijelove tijela, izolacijskih ploča i kućište, mufflers i zvučne izolacije dijelova vozila. Zbog kontinuiranog razvoja u tom području, noviji i bolji hrana se proizvodi iz dana u dan, da doprinesemo burgeoning rast automobilskog tržišta. Nove putove korištenja kompozitnih materijala kako bi automobilsko tržište veće i bolje se otvaraju svaki dan. Uporaba kompozitnih materijala dao automobilsko tržište svoju toliko potrebnu put za napredak, a to sigurno ne ide na pogled unatrag!


To se uglavnom koriste za izradu šasije, dijelove tijela, izolacijskih ploča i kućište, mufflers i zvučne izolacije dijelova vozila. Zbog kontinuiranog razvoja u tom području, noviji i bolji hrana se proizvodi iz dana u dan, da doprinesemo burgeoning rast automobilskog tržišta. Nove putove korištenja kompozitnih materijala kako bi automobilsko tržište veće i bolje se otvaraju svaki dan. Uporaba kompozitnih materijala dao automobilsko tržište svoju toliko potrebnu put za napredak, a to sigurno ne ide na pogled unatrag!


industries dealing with composite materials have a very good range as well as the materials used in various industries such as Aerospace, automotive, construction, pipe and tank. That is why many companies are expanding into this sector and find that it is a profitable investment. So if you are planning to enter into this field then it is necessary to learn more about the industry and prepare a strategy to enter the market before the entry into this industry. It takes a good composite industry consultant, consultants, they are skilled in the composite material and component technology.


automotive market is one of the most progressive and advanced markets today, the one that works with the latest developments in science and tehnologiji.Povećanje use of composite materials in the industry, in place of conventional materials demonstrates that fact.


automotive market is one of the most progressive and advanced markets today, the one that works with the latest developments in science and tehnologiji.Povećanje use of composite materials in the industry, in place of conventional materials demonstrates that fact.

More aboutIdentifying the Use of Composite Materials in Automotive Market

Identifying the Use of Composite Materials in Automotive Market

Posted by Bapak on Wednesday, November 23, 2011


automotive market is one of the most progressive and advanced markets today, the one that works with the latest developments in science and tehnologiji.Povećanje use of composite materials in the industry, in place of conventional materials demonstrates that fact.

automotive market is one of the most progressive and advanced markets today, the one that works with the latest developments in science and tehnologiji.Povećanje use of composite materials in the industry, in place of conventional materials demonstrates that fact.


automotive market is one of the most progressive and advanced markets today, the one that works with the latest developments in science and tehnologiji.Povećanje use of composite materials in the industry, in place of conventional materials demonstrates that fact.


of the composite materials are developed from a combination of two or more materials having different properties and combine together to create a single, efficient materijala.Korištenje these materials in automotive engineering facilitates features like durability, light weight and increased heat and sound insulation properties. They also have a greater chemical and thermal impact resistance, strength and weight ratios are much stronger and break-resistant, can stand the harsh conditions and still perform the heavy duties, and offer greater design flexibility in the vehicle to be used in. For these reasons, because their appearance, these materials slowly changed the face of the automobile market in the past few decades. From bikes to cars to run vehicles and spacecrafts, composite materials are used everywhere today.

More aboutIdentifying the Use of Composite Materials in Automotive Market

Automotive Engineering Jobs

Posted by Bapak

Bez obzira na područje u kojem se bavi inženjer, on ili ona također može biti stručnjak u tom podsektor od automobilske inženjering polje. To znači da postoji vrlo obrazovan inženjeri koji su u stanju dizajn i razvoj novih komponenti, strukture i sustava za određenu vrstu vozila. Na primjer, postoje automobilski inženjering poslove koje rade samo s vodstvom sustavima nalaze u vojnim transportnih vozila.


Knowledge Requirements
Automotive Engineering covers the mechanical and structural engineering, and requires those working within the field of application of the principles of several scientific disciplines. These include physics, structural design, and materials analysis. Automotive engineering jobs also require a strong understanding of the principles and production of mechanical system design and operation methods.

Automotive Engineering covers the mechanical and structural engineering, and requires those working within the field of application of the principles of several scientific disciplines. These include physics, structural design, and materials analysis. Automotive engineering jobs also require a strong understanding of the principles and production of mechanical system design and operation methods.


project managers

project managers ...
Some of the most well-educated, experience and skilled engineers are those who are able to oversee projects in new business or product development. These automotive engineering jobs are responsible for leading design, engineering and manufacturing team to new products, from conceptualization to production. Such engineering roles are highly compensated in the market and require candidates to have strong "soft" skills with technical know-how.


Communication and leadership are among the soft skills necessary for engineers to be successful in these monitoring based automotive engineering development projects. Although the labor market is jam packed with highly qualified technical engineers, it's wide open playing field for those with a more well-rounded skill set.

There are a number of specialized automotive engineering jobs to be found on the ground. These positions can focus on a particular type of system, structure or function of the vehicle, or it may be a subset of vehicles.

There are a number of specialized automotive engineering jobs to be found on the ground. These positions can focus on a particular type of system, structure or function of the vehicle, or it may be a subset of vehicles.

There are a number of specialized automotive engineering jobs to be found on the ground. These positions can focus on a particular type of system, structure or function of the vehicle, or it may be a subset of vehicles.


For example, automobile engineer can specialize in the design of the vehicle body, in which case he or she will be required to possess superior knowledge of structural design principles. Or, an engineer may specialize in the development of guidance or navigation system, in which case he or she should be quite knowledge in computer science and software applications.

More aboutAutomotive Engineering Jobs

Automotive Advertising - Audio And Visual Advertising Sells The Car

Posted by Bapak

Uzimajući pogled na TV uređaj, tu je automobil treperi strane i auto je jednostavno previše ukusna da se odupru.Ljepota automobila je poboljšana putem kamera miluje eksterijera kao što je bljesak tako i onda se fokusira na interijere koji su za umrijeti. To je vrsta osobni utjecaj oglašavanja automobila teži i oni su vrlo uspješni u tome.


Automobile publicity is an important marketing strategy that can sell the car, even before the model is released. Take for example the model due for release in 2012. All the customer has to do is type in a specific car brands and models, due for release next year and get results quickly.


Automobile publicity is an important marketing strategy that can sell the car, even before the model is released. Take for example the model due for release in 2012. All the customer has to do is type in a specific car brands and models, due for release next year and get results quickly.


Automobile publicity is an important marketing strategy that can sell the car, even before the model is released. Take for example the model due for release in 2012. All the customer has to do is type in a specific car brands and models, due for release next year and get results quickly.


automotive advertising includes video and audio reklame.Vozila can even be seen in color. All the customer needs to do is click on the color below the vehicle and immediately paint the vehicle picture changes. Customers can just hang and say "aahhs" the wonder and obsession. Even before the vehicle is released, customers are already planning to make a purchase or at least inquire.


automotive advertising includes video and audio reklame.Vozila can even be seen in color. All the customer needs to do is click on the color below the vehicle and immediately paint the vehicle picture changes. Customers can just hang and say "aahhs" the wonder and obsession. Even before the vehicle is released, customers are already planning to make a purchase or at least inquire.

More aboutAutomotive Advertising - Audio And Visual Advertising Sells The Car

Job Prospects in Canada's Automotive Sector Look Bright

Posted by Bapak

Nemojte se bojati isključiti vijesti. Vaše karijere u automobilskoj industriji još uvijek je na dohvat ruke.


from the dealerships, rental agencies and repair shops (and more), the Canadian automotive industry offers a number of complete and long-lasting career. In fact, the Canadian automotive industry is the sixth largest in the world, accounting for 25% of the country's entire exports. According to the Automotive Industries Association of Canada, direct employment in the aftermarket (which deals with the manufacture, remanufacture, distribution, wholesaling and retailing of spare parts, accessories, tools, equipment, supplies, chemicals and services) amounted to 410,700 jobs in 2009.


from the dealerships, rental agencies and repair shops (and more), the Canadian automotive industry offers a number of complete and long-lasting career. In fact, the Canadian automotive industry is the sixth largest in the world, accounting for 25% of the country's entire exports. According to the Automotive Industries Association of Canada, direct employment in the aftermarket (which deals with the manufacture, remanufacture, distribution, wholesaling and retailing of spare parts, accessories, tools, equipment, supplies, chemicals and services) amounted to 410,700 jobs in 2009.


Despite these numbers, you would be perfectly reasonable to assume that the job prospects in the industry take a hit in recent godina.Ekonomske crisis in 2008, along with accelerated automation and global warming represents a serious challenge and led to a 21% drop in sales new cars ... you obviously have a trickle down effect in all areas of the automotive manufacturing, sales and repairs.


However, the industry has bounced back over the past two years, as a Windsor Star reporter Grace Macaluso recently reported, the share of Canada North American light vehicle production is now at an all-time high (the number now stands at 17.3% North American vehicle production, which is worse than before the recession levels of 16.8%). Automotive Training Center Director Zyg Strecha believes that increased production suggests improved jobs, adding that "new car sales are also a few percentage points higher than last year, so the economy and employment opportunities exist ".

.. .

Do not be afraid to turn off the news. Your career in the automotive industry is still at hand.

More aboutJob Prospects in Canada's Automotive Sector Look Bright

Importance of Automotive Accessories

Posted by Bapak


Everyone definitely wants to own a car and if you have one, it's been a great investment. You take care of how much care of your belongings. As far as possible, you do not want to let even the bad air situation, unexpected conditions and inventory of parts of your journey to look and perform at its worst. So, when a substantial increase in automobile accessories that can take care of or improve your trip, then your car will have more durability and to support greater efficiency value. And at the end of the day, it will certainly be a win-win situation for you.


Everyone definitely wants to own a car and if you have one, it's been a great investment. You take care of how much care of your belongings. As far as possible, you do not want to let even the bad air situation, unexpected conditions and inventory of parts of your journey to look and perform at its worst. So, when a substantial increase in automobile accessories that can take care of or improve your trip, then your car will have more durability and to support greater efficiency value. And at the end of the day, it will certainly be a win-win situation for you.


There are many reasons why you should have auto accessories for your car. On the other hand, there are a number of people who still wonder why they call for extra car accessories, if they pay money for a new car. Everyone knows that the moment you drive a new car off the road, she begins to lose a lot of worth. Thus, through the proper storage and maintenance of your car, you can be sure that the greatest good condition, you're looking for a car.


You can also bet on having a new window shield for the windshield. This will help reduce the damage from the sun by an experienced panel that was installed without any problems.

More aboutImportance of Automotive Accessories

Automotive Advertising Agencies Use Social Networks and Search Engine Algorithms to Sell More Cars

Posted by Bapak on Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Automobilska industrija reklamne agencije nisu Reinventing točak proširenjem svojih dosega i učestalosti s dosljednom poruke preko više kanala iskorištavanjem pristupa socijalnim mrežama ili manipulira algoritmi na tražilicama. Oni su jednostavno primjenom dokazano i utvrđeno oglašavanja mudrosti i najbolje prakse za automobilsku industriju koja je samo jedna konstanta - promjene



agencies must still provide creative that is relevant to the market and must define the target audience that would be most receptive to it, but again the World Wide Web has changed the rules and automotive advertising agencies have to learn what they are and follow them . Top of mind awareness is still a work in automotive advertising agencies who understand that they can purchase cycle time for all on the Internet Super Highway and therefore must maintain a consistent message across multiple channels that are on the short list when the buyer is willing to purchase a vehicle. Diversification to more media and frequency of targeted messaging qualified buyers is not a new practice, but the methods, media and skills needed to get the job done have changed.


agencies must still provide creative that is relevant to the market and must define the target audience that would be most receptive to it, but again the World Wide Web has changed the rules and automotive advertising agencies have to learn what they are and follow them . Top of mind awareness is still a work in automotive advertising agencies who understand that they can purchase cycle time for all on the Internet Super Highway and therefore must maintain a consistent message across multiple channels that are on the short list when the buyer is willing to purchase a vehicle. Diversification to more media and frequency of targeted messaging qualified buyers is not a new practice, but the methods, media and skills needed to get the job done have changed.


agencies must still provide creative that is relevant to the market and must define the target audience that would be most receptive to it, but again the World Wide Web has changed the rules and automotive advertising agencies have to learn what they are and follow them . Top of mind awareness is still a work in automotive advertising agencies who understand that they can purchase cycle time for all on the Internet Super Highway and therefore must maintain a consistent message across multiple channels that are on the short list when the buyer is willing to purchase a vehicle. Diversification to more media and frequency of targeted messaging qualified buyers is not a new practice, but the methods, media and skills needed to get the job done have changed.


Networking and related recommendations and sales come from him was an integral part of the internal sales process for auto dealers as the first vehicle is sold, but had little to do with conventional advertising - so far it is. Social networking and related Internet media channels that have now grown to support the primary target audience of automotive advertising agencies. Word of mouth advertising has grown exponentially viral message travels through the social networking channel with the opinions of like minded car buyers who use this online community of friends to share their car shopping experience before, during and after the buying cycle.


Networking and related recommendations and sales come from him was an integral part of the internal sales process for auto dealers as the first vehicle is sold, but had little to do with conventional advertising - so far it is. Social networking and related Internet media channels that have now grown to support the primary target audience of automotive advertising agencies. Word of mouth advertising has grown exponentially viral message travels through the social networking channel with the opinions of like minded car buyers who use this online community of friends to share their car shopping experience before, during and after the buying cycle.


Initial attempts automotive advertising agencies to market the social networks from the outside through the use of banner ads or as a wolf in sheep's clothing trying to attack a network of friends have firmly rejected. Members value each other opinions and shared experiences in just serving their auto dealer or auto advertising agency.


Moreover, ronsmap increases the value of leads generated from the social network for the collection of information gathered through its SellersVantage application. In addition to the expected name, IP address and vehicle information with the new Intel-leads the online shopping selection of vehicles and start the car shopper preferences and comments accumulated its online network of friends. These enhanced auto dealer leads allow to predict the needs of your potential customers before they open negotiations with them. As a result, the consumer has provided more relevant and transparent selection of vehicles, in response to their initial request and the car salesman has a competitive advantage to quote the best prices on the best vehicle for the consumer. It's a win-win scenario that increases closing ratios and profits for auto dealer, and offers consumers the advantage of information and referrals gathered from their online car shopping experience.


Moreover, ronsmap increases the value of leads generated from the social network for the collection of information gathered through its SellersVantage application. In addition to the expected name, IP address and vehicle information with the new Intel-leads the online shopping selection of vehicles and start the car shopper preferences and comments accumulated its online network of friends. These enhanced auto dealer leads allow to predict the needs of your potential customers before they open negotiations with them. As a result, the consumer has provided more relevant and transparent selection of vehicles, in response to their initial request and the car salesman has a competitive advantage to quote the best prices on the best vehicle for the consumer. It's a win-win scenario that increases closing ratios and profits for auto dealer, and offers consumers the advantage of information and referrals gathered from their online car shopping experience.

More aboutAutomotive Advertising Agencies Use Social Networks and Search Engine Algorithms to Sell More Cars

Combine Cars and People Skills As an Automotive Service Advisor

Posted by Bapak on Monday, November 21, 2011

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· New and used car dealerships

· Automobile specialty stores

° The technique stores

° The technique stores


° car rental companies

° car rental companies


° car rental companies


° daily rental consultant

° assistant manager

° Service Manager

° Car Rental Manager

° Fixed Operations Manager

° Fixed Operations Manager


° Fixed Operations Manager

More aboutCombine Cars and People Skills As an Automotive Service Advisor

Get Advanced Automotive Locksmith Supplies To Provide Better Services

Posted by Bapak on Friday, November 4, 2011

Ako želite dobiti najnovije alate za pružanje bolje usluge, možete pretraživati ​​internet i naći tvrtke koje nude ključeve za različite modele automobila. ...

If you are interested to become an auto locksmith, you need to get the most advanced tools to decode and modify advanced remote keyless entry system. You will need equipment such as key blanks, fobs, a software program, and the decoding key cutting machine.


If you yourself are licensed automotive locksmith, the first thing you need to do is get yourself integrated tools to make a replacement or new locks for vehicles. You can provide better services to their clients, if you are equipped with efficient alatima.Novije vehicle models are enabled with the technologically advanced remote keyless system, so you need to have tools that can be used to cater for the needs of its clients. Different equipment required for replacement transponder keys are key-cutting machine, key blanks, controls, software, picks and decoders.


If you yourself are licensed automotive locksmith, the first thing you need to do is get yourself integrated tools to make a replacement or new locks for vehicles. You can provide better services to their clients, if you are equipped with efficient alatima.Novije vehicle models are enabled with the technologically advanced remote keyless system, so you need to have tools that can be used to cater for the needs of its clients. Different equipment required for replacement transponder keys are key-cutting machine, key blanks, controls, software, picks and decoders.


Vehicles equipped with transponder keys that use radio waves to communicate with the transmission system installed in the vehicle. In order to provide better services, make sure you know all the transponder keys. There is a transponder located inside the head of the key and transmits radio signals to a system that is installed behind the wheel of the car. This device works as a receiver and responsive to signals emitted by a key.


micro chip that reside within the key comes with an encrypted code that is assigned to the receiver. This code is defined for each key and the receiving system individually. When the transponder chip transmits signals, the receiver identifies them and confirms the key. When the code is synchronized with the receiver, keyless entry system performs a given function.


micro chip that reside within the key comes with an encrypted code that is assigned to the receiver. This code is defined for each key and the receiving system individually. When the transponder chip transmits signals, the receiver identifies them and confirms the key. When the code is synchronized with the receiver, keyless entry system performs a given function.


keyless entry system has a remote control, also known as a fob, which comes with or without buttons. Some systems are appropriate only when the user clicks the button, while others detect radio frequencies within the range of and respond to njih.Rasponu of radio waves are different for different models vozila.Sustav to detect the radio signal itself is relatively short range compared to those that are manually operated remote the keys.


When an owner loses a key transponder, you will need to program a whole new key. For this you need to have inventory of key blanks. Key blanks are new keys can be programmed to match the system installed in the car. These gaps are laser cut to match the ignition, and then programmed in accordance with a system that would allow to operate the vehicle. In order for key blanks job, you'll get the key cutting machine and software to program them.

More aboutGet Advanced Automotive Locksmith Supplies To Provide Better Services

Automotive Service Advisor Careers

Posted by Bapak

Canada's automotive industry will be looking for 92,159 new employees by 2014, with 94% of these jobs to full-time positions. Clearly, this is a good time to be in the automotive industry and a great opportunity to train for a career as an Automotive Service advisor. If you have a passion for cars and enjoy working with people, there are a myriad of degree programs available that will help you focus your customer service skills and give you the skills you need for an exciting career in a fast paced, dynamic automotive industry.

Canada's automotive industry will be looking for 92,159 new employees by 2014, with 94% of these jobs to full-time positions. Clearly, this is a good time to be in the automotive industry and a great opportunity to train for a career as an Automotive Service advisor. If you have a passion for cars and enjoy working with people, there are a myriad of degree programs available that will help you focus your customer service skills and give you the skills you need for an exciting career in a fast paced, dynamic automotive industry.


  • General customer service and customer care skills, including:
    • Setting expectations
    • Listening
    • Asking the right questions
    • and more

  • Knowledge of automotive systems for the customer and technician communication

  • conflict resolution

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  • The current applicable regulations

  • Dealership Operations (knowing the role of each employee in the auto repair shop)

to a degree from a top automotive service advisor training program, you will be opening the door to many opportunities in the global automotive industry. Most people are not aware of the kind of customer service and customer care positions available in this industry resilient. These positions are:

  • Automobile Service Writer
  • Retail Wholesale Parts Representative
  • Tower operator
  • Parts Retail Clerk
  • warranty administrator
  • Appointment Coordinator
  • and more

  • Canadian Tire
  • Parts Source
  • Midas
  • Active Green & Ross
  • Benson Tire
  • jiffy lube
  • Transportation Company
  • Independent Shops
  • Subaru
  • Mercedes
  • Chrysler
  • Ford
  • Volvo
  • Toyota
  • Honda
  • Volkswagen
  • Hyundai

Best of all, the position in this area of training often leave room for improvement, providing entry-level employees the opportunity to work your way up to Service Manager or Assistant positions. Employees in most parts of the department of auto repair shops will also see the same kind of advancement opportunities, and may become part of the managers or pomoćnicima.Budućnosti, in other words, it is very bright for qualified, well-trained candidates. Do not hesitate to turn his passion for cars in well-paying career.

More aboutAutomotive Service Advisor Careers

Are Automotive MPG Regulations Killing Car Innovation for the Consumer?

Posted by Bapak


If representative, the Obama administration to increase regulation of miles per gallon for each individual car gets? Some automotive designers complain because if the car should get really good gas mileage, then there are only a few types of designs that cars can possibly imati.Suze in a car to get the best gas mileage above about 55 miles per hour. But if each car looks the same, then no one will have a car with any individuality that people can share their request too.


In other words, every BMW, Ford, Mercedes, Toyota, Honda, GM, Chrysler, Daddy, or BYD will all basically look isto.Prilika for individual differentiation was that the car basically goes out the window. There is an interesting article not too long ago to WardsAuto auto industry online news website that asks a tough question,. "Are the Requirements Killing Automotive Aerodynamic Design," wrote Byron Papa and released on the 20th June 2011


After reading this article, I decided to make a comment about it, and as I was preparing your outline to create this article, I noticed that in the news today, 27 June 2011 - Obama administration has asked for more regulation, and potential legislation requires that all cars by the year 2025 to maintain an average of 52.5 miles per gallon.


After reading this article, I decided to make a comment about it, and as I was preparing your outline to create this article, I noticed that in the news today, 27 June 2011 - Obama administration has asked for more regulation, and potential legislation requires that all cars by the year 2025 to maintain an average of 52.5 miles per gallon.


After reading this article, I decided to make a comment about it, and as I was preparing your outline to create this article, I noticed that in the news today, 27 June 2011 - Obama administration has asked for more regulation, and potential legislation requires that all cars by the year 2025 to maintain an average of 52.5 miles per gallon.


It seems to me that this is possible, considering the future we will have a carbon nanotube and graphene-coated composites. This will mean the vehicle will be significantly lighter than the weight, because carbon composites can easily be 20 times lighter than steel. This means the frame, body, and other support structures inside the car does not weigh much at all. Also a very thin carbon nanotube construction can be used for glass and glass on the average SUV weighs 600 pounds.


As you start adding all of the performance, we will have the technology to make cars that are much better fuel mileage. As fuel prices go up, less fuel will be used, and the free market will dictate, along with customers and businesses that car better mileage. I'm not so sure that it is necessary to mandate, or put forth the regulations, should let the free market decide.

More aboutAre Automotive MPG Regulations Killing Car Innovation for the Consumer?