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Automotive Engineering Jobs

Posted by Bapak on Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bez obzira na područje u kojem se bavi inženjer, on ili ona također može biti stručnjak u tom podsektor od automobilske inženjering polje. To znači da postoji vrlo obrazovan inženjeri koji su u stanju dizajn i razvoj novih komponenti, strukture i sustava za određenu vrstu vozila. Na primjer, postoje automobilski inženjering poslove koje rade samo s vodstvom sustavima nalaze u vojnim transportnih vozila.


Knowledge Requirements
Automotive Engineering covers the mechanical and structural engineering, and requires those working within the field of application of the principles of several scientific disciplines. These include physics, structural design, and materials analysis. Automotive engineering jobs also require a strong understanding of the principles and production of mechanical system design and operation methods.

Automotive Engineering covers the mechanical and structural engineering, and requires those working within the field of application of the principles of several scientific disciplines. These include physics, structural design, and materials analysis. Automotive engineering jobs also require a strong understanding of the principles and production of mechanical system design and operation methods.


project managers

project managers ...
Some of the most well-educated, experience and skilled engineers are those who are able to oversee projects in new business or product development. These automotive engineering jobs are responsible for leading design, engineering and manufacturing team to new products, from conceptualization to production. Such engineering roles are highly compensated in the market and require candidates to have strong "soft" skills with technical know-how.


Communication and leadership are among the soft skills necessary for engineers to be successful in these monitoring based automotive engineering development projects. Although the labor market is jam packed with highly qualified technical engineers, it's wide open playing field for those with a more well-rounded skill set.

There are a number of specialized automotive engineering jobs to be found on the ground. These positions can focus on a particular type of system, structure or function of the vehicle, or it may be a subset of vehicles.

There are a number of specialized automotive engineering jobs to be found on the ground. These positions can focus on a particular type of system, structure or function of the vehicle, or it may be a subset of vehicles.

There are a number of specialized automotive engineering jobs to be found on the ground. These positions can focus on a particular type of system, structure or function of the vehicle, or it may be a subset of vehicles.


For example, automobile engineer can specialize in the design of the vehicle body, in which case he or she will be required to possess superior knowledge of structural design principles. Or, an engineer may specialize in the development of guidance or navigation system, in which case he or she should be quite knowledge in computer science and software applications.


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