Indonesia's largest producer of motorcycles, Yamaha and Honda unleash the pemudik to their homes. Like PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) of unleash 2,184 pemudik and Yamaha off his 1,000 attendees return.
Go this time Honda upholds the theme ' Mudik Comfortable, Hondaku safe. ' And this is one form of the Honda concern against the safety of consumers. No liability-liability, pemudik Honda released by DKI Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo. Fauzi launched 52 bus fleet with capable of accommodating up to 2,184 pemudik.
Do not stop until there as much as 10 trucks carrying 922 units motor had departed the previous day. With 511 Honda unit leads to Semarang and 536 motor unit leads to Yogyakarta. This was done in order to entertain the Honda lovers, this time also increasing diesel by 25 percent compared to last year.
"This is a good step for the sake of keeping the convenience, security and safety of the pemudik. And I would expect to pemudik to not carry sedulur to Jakarta. But Jakarta belongs to everybody, if you want to complain please provided that have expertise nasip. As long as it has a residency requirement should be, "said Foke after removing the pemudik to hometown, at the headquarters of the AHM, Jakarta, Saturday (26/8/2011).
The only one with enough pemudik spend money registration Rp 50 thousand will already be able to kekampung a page with ease.
"Go with the Honda used to accommodate the pemudik who want to ride motorcycles, but for the sake of consumer safety and comfort. Started years ago we pioneered to haul motorcycles using trucks and drive the bus with the page kekampung pemudik, "said Marketing Director PT AHM, Auddie a. Wiranata.
But to go back with Honda this time also have the Jakarta-Semarang and Jakarta to Yogjakarta. Different when compared to last year which had a line to West Java.
"We did indeed deliberately chosen route Jakarta-Semarang, Jakarta-Yogyakarta. Because of our survey, the most common pemudik it leading to Semarang and Yogyakarta. It used to be our route to Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bandung. However the leads Surabaya but only a few leading up to it, but instead made leads to Madiun. While in West Java, made at most until in Tasikmalaya, "added the head of the Division of Honda's Customer Care Center (HC3) PT AHM, Istiyani Susriyati.
While Yamaha took off as many as 1,000 participants mudik Asik (Safe, Relaxing, Memorable) Yamaha 2011. They were released to travel to two lanes of the North (Semarang) and South (Yogyakarta).
The release of participants go led General Manager Marketing Yamaha Indonesia, PT di, Sutaryo Yamaha Indonesia Motor Kencana (YMKI) in Pulogadung, East Jakarta, Monday, (26/8/2011)
Also accompanying AKBP Djoko Harriutomo as Wadirpam Obvit Polda Metro Jaya and AKBP Canton Pinem as Kasubdit Dikyasa Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya.
In addition the 10 trucks carrying 500 motorcycles belonging to pemudik, divided into two waves i.e. 6 trucks on the 25th August night and 4 trucks a day afterwards. While the bus is provided to transport participants go.
Go this way without a motor convoy followed urging from the Minister of transportation and Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya in order to reduce the number of bikers who go so that a single Agency recommended Brand Holders (ATPM) set up a special transport trucks owned motor pemudik expedition. In this way is also aimed at reducing the number of accidents which often occur when diesel.
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